Sunday, May 8, 2011

Ducks, llamas, slugs, and ferns

Martine went hiking with me today for the first time in a couple of years.  We choose Rattlesnake Ridge because it is close and easy.   The weather was great leaving Seattle but got progressively worse as we approached North Bend. I pointed the ledge out to Martine, it was hidden behind a curtain of clouds.  As we pulled into the parking lot, a few drops fell on the windshield but nothing to get excited about.  The trail approaching Rattlesnake Lake passes over the outlet stream where a couple of ducks paddled in a pool.
 My guess is that there will be some ducklings in another month or two.  Onward to the trail.  As usual, we were not alone, but the second group we encountered was a first.  A couple of hikers were escorting three llamas up the trail.

They created quite a commotion and more than a little stink.  I noticed the lead llama seemed more skittish than the others, which was confirmed by its handler.  It was also pretty damn ugly, and seemed to have a single upturned tooth.  A moment later it opened up its mouth and there were a couple of other scraggly teeth in there too. 

We let the llamas pass by and left them a wide berth to let the scent dissipate.  I stopped a while later to take some closeups of ferns and flowers that are beginning to pop out as the weather warms.

We decided to turn around early but not before I scoped out a slug, sliming its way up a rotten log. 

Here is a picture of Martine at our turn-around point, proving to all that she made it to the trail.

On the way down a squall passed over dropping rain and hail.  Within 10 minutes the sun poked out and the rest of the hike was a breeze.

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