Sunday, September 19, 2010

Poo Poo Point

Poo Poo Point is on a shoulder of Tiger Mountain accessible from the Issaquah-Hobart Road. This trail has at least three things going for it. First, the name is memorable and sounds a tad disgusting but it apparently named after the sound of a bird rather than what one might think.  Secondly, it is one of the easier trailheads to reach from the Seattle Metro area, which makes it a good choice if crimped for time or for an after work hike in the summer. Finally, and most notably, Poo Poo Point is used as a launching point by paragliders. On days when the wind is right, there may be a dozen or more folks in the air with that many more queued up to take off.  It is especially cool when there is an updraft and the gliders spiral 1,000 feet or more above the launch area.

Video of Paragliding from Poo Poo Point

The trail is well maintained, especially the lower section where trail workers have placed stones so closely together it looks like pavers in a garden.  The trail hugs the side of a steep slope and rises quickly in a series of long traverses broken by tight switchbacks.  There are a few old growth conifers in the first 3/4 mile or so and then there is a short break in the climb where the tree cover changes to alders.  There is little time to enjoy the flats before the route climbs again, first along an old cobble covered logging road and then a single track trail. About 1/2 mile from the top the trail turns left adjacent to a strip of cleared land that provides a short, steep scramble as an alternative.  Sticking with the more traditional path I reached the top about 4 switchbacks and 10 minutes later.  The launch zone was empty because of the early hour and lackadaisical winds.  Although the clouds were thick and low, the views over Lake Sammamish were decent so I hung out for a few minutes in the heavy, warm air before heading back to the car.

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