Monday, September 6, 2010

Source Lake in the clouds

Berries on a bush
Looking down on Source Lake in the fall.
Fall is settling in. After a bit of a grueling hike to Island Lake on Saturday, I needed something easy, so it was off to the Alpental parking lot for a quick trip to Source Lake.  Surprisingly, there were only about 30 cars in the lot at 10:30 on Labor Day. Maybe it was the 50 degree temperature and clouds looming over the head of the valley. I had originally planned on going to Snow Lake from the same trail head but my left knee needed a break, especially on the return trip.  The trail to the junction is quite a gentle grade but scattered angular rock fallen in years past from the cliffs looming high to the right make the footing tricky in spots.  The weather was dry but threatening at the start and soon the threat began reality as the trail met the clouds.  It was a bit mystical walking through the gloomy mist and before long I was dripping wet.  I stopped to photograph fall colors along the way and made it to the end of the trail after about 45 minutes.  The destination was a little disappointing, as Source Lake is less than 100 feet across and several hundred yards below the trail.  I continued a couple of hundred yards further where the trail petered out into a vague rocky path heading steeply, but indefinitely into the shrubs. Is this the climber's access trail to The Tooth? The answer will have to wait for another day.

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