Thursday, September 2, 2010

Trial Run- Little Si

Alrighty then. I'm going to give this blogging thing a shot. I expect I will end up writing about the places I see and the things I do.  For example, last weekend I decided to go for a short hike off the I-90 corridor. For safety's sake, I let my wife know where I was headed- Rattlesnake Ridge, just outside of North Bend. As usual, I changed plans mid-stream and headed north instead of south, and ended up at Little Si.  I chatted with a couple at the parking lot who let me know that the old trail to Mt. Si used to start at this trailhead. 

With that bit of news I hit the trail, with an eye to my right, looking for traces of an ancient trail. Soon I forgot about the trail that might be and focused on the trail ahead. The first 1/2 mile is pretty boring mostly through 3rd growth on a converted logging road. Then after a gentle rise and a turn to the left, the track crosses a small rocky outcrop and hugs the back side of Little Si- a steep face that provides a convenient challenge for rock climbers. There are a few intrepid souls chattering on the face, partially obscured by tall Doug Firs. Not for me! Back to to the trail to track down a younger, fitter guy walking with a couple of small dogs.  I blasted past him on the steeper pitch and inherited his dogs who were more interested in holding the lead than attending to their master.

After about 45 minutes I reached the top, which felt surprisingly pleasant in spite of the unseasonably dismal late-August weather that had settled over Seattle. I was alone on the summit with a 360 degree view of Si, Rattlesnake Ledge(my faux destination) and west toward civilization.  Over the next 15 minutes a number of folks joined me at peak, including the dog owner.  He let me know that he limits his pace based on his heart rate, which is likely a good strategy.  In any case, we chatted for a few minutes about my work at Hanford and I ambled down the hill, satisfied with a short but vigorous visit to the foothills.

Thus ends my first post.

Details of the Little Si. hike are here: Little Si Trail Details

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